The cool thing about the Internet is that anything you would or could need - a service, a product, a company, a phone number or anything else - you CAN find online. Over 3 billion people use the Internet every day, some of which are searching for the same things you are! In this case, quality made Chanukah Menorahs. So yes, you can definitely find these online - quality made, designed your way, and very cost efficient. There are many types of Chanukah menorahs available, ranging from the traditional olive oil menorah and also sterling silver menorah, glass made, hand crafted, ceramic, metal, clear, etc.
Seriously, any style you may have going on in your home, your olive oil menorah can "fit" in with your decorating styles! is a wonderful place to find Chanukah menorahs, sterling silver menorah, and olive oil menorah and as a one-stop Judaica store, they even sell other accessories as well such as special oils, candles, and even Menorah mats to place your menorah on.
The styles of these sacred pieces of ceremonial art may have changed, but the symbology is still the same. If you want something a little more your style, you can now choose from all kinds of really terrific options!
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I always find it amazing that you can quite literally find any and every product, item or service that you could possibly think of online - even Chanukah Menorahs! While these are a sacred symbol, they are also quite expensive when you visit some of the stores offline - especially specialty stores that sell these religious items.
One of the things you can do is take a look online and offline and see where YOU can get the best price! The great thing I like about shopping online for Chanukah Menorahs though is not only are you going to find a really nice price, but you are also going to find an array of types, materials, options, etc.
Some of these are things I have never seen before when it comes to Menorahs! For instance, some of the options I found were gold plated, sterling silver menorah, and even some olive oil menorah options as well. They also have VERY different styles than you are used to as well such as glass, ceramic, children's, metal, handcrafted and much more!
This is really nice because I know each and every one of you has different decoration styles, personality styles, and you all LIKE different things. So when buying Chanukah menorahs, visit, you can almost guarantee that you are going to find the perfect gift for you for someone else! Remember, it's all about convenience, price and variety!
When I think of specific religions I think of specific symbols. Each individual religion seems to have religious symbols that they are not only known for visually, but the actual symbol also has a particular meaning behind it. For example, when it comes to Judaism some people may think of the Star of David, while others think of the Menorah.
These are really incredible symbols that have an amazing history behind them! Seriously, if you aren't Jewish, it's time to read up on how the Chanukah menorahs came about because it's a very riveting story! It seems, like most other religions that these symbols are oftentimes with the barer of the religion. In this case, the Chanukah menorahs can almost always be found in the home of a Jewish person. I imagine that like most other artifacts that once in a while you may either need to purchase a new Chanukah menorah.
I suppose these can also be given away as gifts as well. The great thing about finding these for purchase is that you can very quickly look online at that offers these kinds of pieces. Several different menorahs include an olive oil menorah (which has a TON of symbolism behind it!), sterling silver menorah, 7 branch menorahs, and much more! It's really going to depend on what you are looking for in terms of coloring and styles.
Like every other religion, Judaism has its own specific symbols, meanings, set way of living, etc. A lot of people take their religion very seriously, even still nowadays. One of the main "items" if you will that makes me think of Judaism right away is the Star of David. The other symbol is that of the Menorah. The Menorah, or more specifically the Chanukah Menorah, or Chanukia is really more than a symbol of Judaism - it has so much pure meaning behind it!
The story behind the Menorahs is that this is when the Jewish people were celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple after the successful revolt against the monarchy. They could only find enough pure oil to light the sacred Menorah for one day, but somehow by miracle it ended up lasting eight full days! If you have ever seen these Chanukah Menorahs you know that not only are they really quite stunning, but that they also have eight "branches" for eight candles or oil lamps, with only one branch higher than the other which is a symbol of the Shamash, that guards against secular usage.
This is actually a really fascinating story once you get into the nitty grityy details, but it’s also very interesting to read about Jewish history as well. I’ll be honest - I'm not Jewish so I wasn't even sure you could buy them online if you did indeed want one, but after a friend had asked me about purchasing one I figured I would give it a go and see where the road led me. Surprisingly (or maybe not) I found
They had all kinds of different colors and materials such as a sterling silver menorah, Chanukah menorahs and yes, even oil menorahs. So if you’re looking to buy the perfect gift for a Jewish co-worker, I think that there’s nothing better than a Menorah.