Are you bothered by the fact that your kids spend the entire day in front of the computer? Are you troubled by the fact that your kids are playing Pac-Man? Well you should! Who knows if those pac-dots he's eating are even kosher or not. And ghosts? Are they considered meat?
But before you run to the Rabbi, check out the Pac-Man’s Jewish brother-in-law, the Mitzvah Man. That’s right boys and girls, the Mitzvah man is an easy and fun way to learn some serious Jewish concepts while engaging extreme finger activity.
This video game will help your children to absorb 1000 important Jewish traditions and laws while escaping all sorts of spooky Golems and Dybbuks. You got your Laws of Shabbat covered, and Blessings and Prayers, Jewish History, Ethics & Rabbinical Laws and Kashrut questions, all in a colorful interface and cool sound effects.
Visit us at for more entertaining and educational Jewish video games and computer software.
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When we brush our teeth on Shabbos we not only kill germs which is pretty much against the 6th commandment but we also engage in four melachos: Sechitah, Chavalah, Memareach and Uvdin D'Chol.
Sechita – Because we squeeze liquid out of a solid.
Chavalah – Because if we don’t floss daily or have gum disease, then a toothbrush can cause our gums to bleed.
Memareach – Because spread cream onto an object used as an applicator to the body.
Uvdim D’Chol – Because we perform a weekday activity on Shabbos.
But this doesn’t mean that anybody should have bad breath on Shabbos! Come on! You owe it to the guy standing next to you in Shul.
You should use the:Wow!!!
Yup folks, it’s the real deal, a true high-tech super Shabbos toothbrush:
- soft rubber bristles won't make gums bleed
- wide spacing between rubber bristles won't squeeze liquid
- to be used as special-for-Shabbos Toothbrushes
If there is one thing I really miss is my grandmother’s cooking. Oh, her legendary chicken soup passed from generation to generation in our family. Historians say that my grandmother's soup came even before the chicken. Even before the egg! I decided to share the recipe with you guys.
Grandma’s Famous Jewish Chicken Soup:
Put chicken in pot. Cover with water. Cook. Eat. Yes eat eat! You don’t like? Why you think you’ll get something better in a restaurant? Then go! I don’t care. You don’t eat, you don’t eat. I’ll eat alone. Golda’s children loves this soup!
My grandmother had lots and lots of special recipes that I just loved and for years I’ve been begging my wife to make a kugel, just once, but she can’t even cook an egg. So you know what I did? I bought this Cooking Jewish cook book and let me tell you, its got everything from gefilte fish to Tanta Esther Gittel’s Husband’s Second Wife Lena’s Nut Cake.
Make your Jewish belly happy! For the biggest selection of kosher cookbooks and for all your Judaica needs visit
Your Sukkah is up and running, ushpizin are coming and going, but suddenly you discover that your sister’s cousin broke the Pitam off your esrog. No problem! At Eichler’s Sukkot Center we have everything you need, ready to be shipped to your sukkah’s door.
Like this certified Sukkah Bee Trap! Because some guests are not so welcome…And if you need a kids trap because the little ones are driving you nuts, get them a children’s sukkah!
Children can sit in their Sukkah day and night, play in it, learn in it and have so much fun!
But what if rain came down and washed your sukkah's decorations? Don't worry! We got an extensive selection of colorful decorations like this lovely Fruit Garland:Sukkah Emergency? Don't worry! We got you covered! All you need to do is visit the Succos Center at, your one-stop High-Holiday-Shop.