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Where can I buy Sterling Silver Menorahs for my co-worker?

Like every other religion, Judaism has its own specific symbols, meanings, set way of living, etc. A lot of people take their religion very seriously, even still nowadays. One of the main "items" if you will that makes me think of Judaism right away is the Star of David. The other symbol is that of the Menorah. The Menorah, or more specifically the Chanukah Menorah, or Chanukia is really more than a symbol of Judaism - it has so much pure meaning behind it!

The story behind the Menorahs is that this is when the Jewish people were celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple after the successful revolt against the monarchy. They could only find enough pure oil to light the sacred Menorah for one day, but somehow by miracle it ended up lasting eight full days! If you have ever seen these Chanukah Menorahs you know that not only are they really quite stunning, but that they also have eight "branches" for eight candles or oil lamps, with only one branch higher than the other which is a symbol of the Shamash, that guards against secular usage.

This is actually a really fascinating story once you get into the nitty grityy details, but it’s also very interesting to read about Jewish history as well. I’ll be honest - I'm not Jewish so I wasn't even sure you could buy them online if you did indeed want one, but after a friend had asked me about purchasing one I figured I would give it a go and see where the road led me. Surprisingly (or maybe not) I found www.Eichlers.com.

They had all kinds of different colors and materials such as a sterling silver menorah, Chanukah menorahs and yes, even oil menorahs. So if you’re looking to buy the perfect gift for a Jewish co-worker, I think that there’s nothing better than a Menorah.


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