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A Passover Seder To Remember

I think my favorite Passover seder was when I was twelve years old. That year we had it at our house for the first time in a long time. We usually went to Uncle Yosef’s or our Grandparent’s house. Aunt Sandy came from Washington and Uncle Arny came from Miami. You’d think that with so much family from out of town things would run smoothly, but that year things were a bit meshuggeneh.

Aunt Sandy was a bit odd; she had a dog that she brought with her from home and it was a little yapper. I tried to play with the mop and he would growl and try to bite me, but as soon as Aunt Sandy called his name, he’d run into her lap and purr. Plus, she insisted on holding the dog on her lap at table, which no one was too happy about.

While everyone was getting ready for dinner, my mother was fixing the seder plate, Uncle Arny was distributing the Passover haggadah, and my father was hiding the afikoman. Now, the thing you should know about Aunt Sandy is that she has a giant wig, and my father, who was always one for games and tricks, somehow managed, without her knowing, to hide the motzah in her hair! It was so high and hidden with layers upon layer that none of the kids could see, and my father didn’t tell a soul. So after passover seder all the children scoured the house, and couldn’t find the afikoman. Finally, my father gave me a hint and pointed at Aunt Sandy. I ran behind her, and caught a glimpse of the motzah, and when I pulled it from her hair, she fainted right to the floor!

Well, she was alright, and everyone had a good laugh, except for her little dog. And after she regained her senses, even she thought it was kind of funny.


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