Now that my family and I have moved into a larger house, I’m eager to start hosting my own Shabbat dinners, in particular to thank my mother for all the hard work she’s put into our meals over the years.
But before I could start inviting people over, I needed supplies, both for preparation and presentation. It’s amazing how many Shabbat items I found at an online Judaica store,
We actually already have a Challah board, a beautiful hand painted wooden piece with a matching knife. Or, it used to have a matching knife—I think that got lost somewhere in the moving process. I’m currently torn between two replacement options: a silver-plated Challah board with an engraved knife, or a wooden board with crumb trays and a built-in slot to store the matching knife that comes with it. I’ll probably choose the latter, to avoid misplacing another knife. Plus, wood like that will go with any Challah cover.
For some help behind the scenes, I’m eyeing a cool bug checker for lettuce available online at the same Judaica store. On such a holy day, the last thing I want to be worrying about is insects!
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I was getting so tired of wearing cookie cutter tzitzis – if it wasn’t too short or too tight it was the wrong cut and style. Luckily, I discovered the Tzitzis Wizard at, a step-by-step process that can help you design the perfect tzitzis.
You begin by selecting your lineage (Ashkenazic is always a safe bet), then you can filter by material and style – cotton, wool, mesh, or Perf-Tzit. Next, select your desired width and length – the width choices range from 18 inches (for men 5’4” to 5’6”) to 28 inches (for men over 6’2”). Finally, options for all sizes!
After choosing a width and length, you can now truly personalize your tzitzis with a variety of style options, including the neckline, knotting, and tassel materials. After that, you’re all set – the website will take you to the finished page for your product, in addition to providing you with some relevant suggestions for similar tzitzis, in case you’re not quite sure what you want (or how many).
Visit Eichler’s online Judaica store today and give the Tzitzis Wizard a spin – you’ll soon forget what it’s like to wear a tzitzis you didn’t design!
And now for my favorite Judaica Store subject: Kosher Inventions! Yes, too many good Jews are focusing their minds on fancy stuff like physics and biology, but luckily for us, there are still a few thinkers out there that just want to make our life easier. Kudos.
You know, when Tevye the milkman had to wake up on Shabbat mornings, he had a rooster as an alarm clock. But most of us do not live in Tsarist Russia anymore and don’t have chickens in our back yard. So how can you make sure you wake for Shabbos Shacharis without accidently touching the alarm buttons in your dreams?
Well, that’s why they invented the KosherClock! Yup, the KosherClock features:
- Shabbat Mode- All alarms shut off by themselves after one minute! Once set, no need to touch your KosherClock on Shabbos! NO PROBLEM WITH MUKTZAH.
- 5 Beep Alarms- on Shabbos wake up for shacharis, enjoy a snooze, don't miss your chavrusa and be on time for mincha.
- Record Feature- on weekdays only, wake up to the voice of a loved one, or a recorded melody. (Do not use recorded alarms on Shabbat.)
- Photo Frame- holds a 2.4" x 2.7" picture.
For more info about the KosherClock, visit you one-stop Judaica store at!
- Did you hear about the crazy sale of the year?
- Ye… Of course. But I didn't go. How was it?
- Man, it’s crazy! You will not believe the prices they've got!
- I know, I heard, I should’ve gone! But I can’t take the crazy lines! Waking up at 3 AM? Hey,
I’m too old for this…
- 3 AM??? What do you mean?
- Didn’t we just talk about The Black Friday Sale?
- Black Friday Sale? Forget about it! I’m Talking about Eichlers Chanukah sale!
- What? Eichlers Chanukah sale? What’s that???
- Well… If you go online to from now through December 26th you’ll get 30%
off all the sets and 20% off the books!
- You gotta be kidding me right?
- No! I just got me a 14 Volume Set of A Daily Dose of Torah! 30% off!
- Me too!
- What? But you didn’t hear about the sale until a minute ago!
- I know… But I went online… Isn’t it great???
The cool thing about the Internet is that anything you would or could need - a service, a product, a company, a phone number or anything else - you CAN find online. Over 3 billion people use the Internet every day, some of which are searching for the same things you are! In this case, quality made Chanukah Menorahs. So yes, you can definitely find these online - quality made, designed your way, and very cost efficient. There are many types of Chanukah menorahs available, ranging from the traditional olive oil menorah and also sterling silver menorah, glass made, hand crafted, ceramic, metal, clear, etc.
Seriously, any style you may have going on in your home, your olive oil menorah can "fit" in with your decorating styles! is a wonderful place to find Chanukah menorahs, sterling silver menorah, and olive oil menorah and as a one-stop Judaica store, they even sell other accessories as well such as special oils, candles, and even Menorah mats to place your menorah on.
The styles of these sacred pieces of ceremonial art may have changed, but the symbology is still the same. If you want something a little more your style, you can now choose from all kinds of really terrific options!
I always find it amazing that you can quite literally find any and every product, item or service that you could possibly think of online - even Chanukah Menorahs! While these are a sacred symbol, they are also quite expensive when you visit some of the stores offline - especially specialty stores that sell these religious items.
One of the things you can do is take a look online and offline and see where YOU can get the best price! The great thing I like about shopping online for Chanukah Menorahs though is not only are you going to find a really nice price, but you are also going to find an array of types, materials, options, etc.
Some of these are things I have never seen before when it comes to Menorahs! For instance, some of the options I found were gold plated, sterling silver menorah, and even some olive oil menorah options as well. They also have VERY different styles than you are used to as well such as glass, ceramic, children's, metal, handcrafted and much more!
This is really nice because I know each and every one of you has different decoration styles, personality styles, and you all LIKE different things. So when buying Chanukah menorahs, visit, you can almost guarantee that you are going to find the perfect gift for you for someone else! Remember, it's all about convenience, price and variety!
When I think of specific religions I think of specific symbols. Each individual religion seems to have religious symbols that they are not only known for visually, but the actual symbol also has a particular meaning behind it. For example, when it comes to Judaism some people may think of the Star of David, while others think of the Menorah.
These are really incredible symbols that have an amazing history behind them! Seriously, if you aren't Jewish, it's time to read up on how the Chanukah menorahs came about because it's a very riveting story! It seems, like most other religions that these symbols are oftentimes with the barer of the religion. In this case, the Chanukah menorahs can almost always be found in the home of a Jewish person. I imagine that like most other artifacts that once in a while you may either need to purchase a new Chanukah menorah.
I suppose these can also be given away as gifts as well. The great thing about finding these for purchase is that you can very quickly look online at that offers these kinds of pieces. Several different menorahs include an olive oil menorah (which has a TON of symbolism behind it!), sterling silver menorah, 7 branch menorahs, and much more! It's really going to depend on what you are looking for in terms of coloring and styles.
Like every other religion, Judaism has its own specific symbols, meanings, set way of living, etc. A lot of people take their religion very seriously, even still nowadays. One of the main "items" if you will that makes me think of Judaism right away is the Star of David. The other symbol is that of the Menorah. The Menorah, or more specifically the Chanukah Menorah, or Chanukia is really more than a symbol of Judaism - it has so much pure meaning behind it!
The story behind the Menorahs is that this is when the Jewish people were celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple after the successful revolt against the monarchy. They could only find enough pure oil to light the sacred Menorah for one day, but somehow by miracle it ended up lasting eight full days! If you have ever seen these Chanukah Menorahs you know that not only are they really quite stunning, but that they also have eight "branches" for eight candles or oil lamps, with only one branch higher than the other which is a symbol of the Shamash, that guards against secular usage.
This is actually a really fascinating story once you get into the nitty grityy details, but it’s also very interesting to read about Jewish history as well. I’ll be honest - I'm not Jewish so I wasn't even sure you could buy them online if you did indeed want one, but after a friend had asked me about purchasing one I figured I would give it a go and see where the road led me. Surprisingly (or maybe not) I found
They had all kinds of different colors and materials such as a sterling silver menorah, Chanukah menorahs and yes, even oil menorahs. So if you’re looking to buy the perfect gift for a Jewish co-worker, I think that there’s nothing better than a Menorah.
Are you bothered by the fact that your kids spend the entire day in front of the computer? Are you troubled by the fact that your kids are playing Pac-Man? Well you should! Who knows if those pac-dots he's eating are even kosher or not. And ghosts? Are they considered meat?
But before you run to the Rabbi, check out the Pac-Man’s Jewish brother-in-law, the Mitzvah Man. That’s right boys and girls, the Mitzvah man is an easy and fun way to learn some serious Jewish concepts while engaging extreme finger activity.
This video game will help your children to absorb 1000 important Jewish traditions and laws while escaping all sorts of spooky Golems and Dybbuks. You got your Laws of Shabbat covered, and Blessings and Prayers, Jewish History, Ethics & Rabbinical Laws and Kashrut questions, all in a colorful interface and cool sound effects.
Visit us at for more entertaining and educational Jewish video games and computer software.
When we brush our teeth on Shabbos we not only kill germs which is pretty much against the 6th commandment but we also engage in four melachos: Sechitah, Chavalah, Memareach and Uvdin D'Chol.
Sechita – Because we squeeze liquid out of a solid.
Chavalah – Because if we don’t floss daily or have gum disease, then a toothbrush can cause our gums to bleed.
Memareach – Because spread cream onto an object used as an applicator to the body.
Uvdim D’Chol – Because we perform a weekday activity on Shabbos.
But this doesn’t mean that anybody should have bad breath on Shabbos! Come on! You owe it to the guy standing next to you in Shul.
You should use the:Wow!!!
Yup folks, it’s the real deal, a true high-tech super Shabbos toothbrush:
- soft rubber bristles won't make gums bleed
- wide spacing between rubber bristles won't squeeze liquid
- to be used as special-for-Shabbos Toothbrushes
If there is one thing I really miss is my grandmother’s cooking. Oh, her legendary chicken soup passed from generation to generation in our family. Historians say that my grandmother's soup came even before the chicken. Even before the egg! I decided to share the recipe with you guys.
Grandma’s Famous Jewish Chicken Soup:
Put chicken in pot. Cover with water. Cook. Eat. Yes eat eat! You don’t like? Why you think you’ll get something better in a restaurant? Then go! I don’t care. You don’t eat, you don’t eat. I’ll eat alone. Golda’s children loves this soup!
My grandmother had lots and lots of special recipes that I just loved and for years I’ve been begging my wife to make a kugel, just once, but she can’t even cook an egg. So you know what I did? I bought this Cooking Jewish cook book and let me tell you, its got everything from gefilte fish to Tanta Esther Gittel’s Husband’s Second Wife Lena’s Nut Cake.
Make your Jewish belly happy! For the biggest selection of kosher cookbooks and for all your Judaica needs visit
Your Sukkah is up and running, ushpizin are coming and going, but suddenly you discover that your sister’s cousin broke the Pitam off your esrog. No problem! At Eichler’s Sukkot Center we have everything you need, ready to be shipped to your sukkah’s door.
Like this certified Sukkah Bee Trap! Because some guests are not so welcome…And if you need a kids trap because the little ones are driving you nuts, get them a children’s sukkah!
Children can sit in their Sukkah day and night, play in it, learn in it and have so much fun!
But what if rain came down and washed your sukkah's decorations? Don't worry! We got an extensive selection of colorful decorations like this lovely Fruit Garland:Sukkah Emergency? Don't worry! We got you covered! All you need to do is visit the Succos Center at, your one-stop High-Holiday-Shop.
Nobody likes a broken Pitam during Succos. You've been putting so much energy in finding that perfect Etrog and you probably want to see it survive through the holiday.
There are many Esrog Boxes and Esrog Cases to choose from. Take a look at this lovely Velvet Esrog box: This colorful, velvet etrog box is beautifully decorated to add a great touch to your Sukkot and it comes with a magnetic snap closure for maximum security.
The one and only Yair Emanuel has a selection of unique esrog boxes just like this Jeruslam design box. This stunning wooden Esrog box is hand – painted using acrylic colors and then finished with three layers of lacquer.
This Sterling Silver Esrog box can make the perfect gift this Succos. The traditional design features a classic pattern and a snug fit for a decent sized etrog.
If you are looking for that special esrog case, or just the esrog itself, or maybe an esrog with lulav - you can find them all at your one-stop holiday store.
Take a look at your Esrog. On one end of the esrog you’ll find the stem that connects to the tree. On the other side there needs to be a Kosher Pitam.The pitam is the big deal. Scientists will call it stigma. We’ll call it “Fragile”. You see, if your nice little esrog has a pitam, then you need to be extra careful not to break it. If it breaks – we have a problem and you must call the rabbi. But! If you get an esrog that grew (!) without a pitam – you’re good to go. That’s why many people prefer to buy a “pitamless” esrog in the first place.
Because the esrog is so precious, it’s recommended to protect it during Sukkot. The esrog is usually wrapped in flex fibers and stored in a unique esrog box. There are many beautiful esrog cases, some are made of decorated silver, and others are made of velvet, wood or even leather. Remember to complete the set and get a Lulav (frond of a palm tree), Hadass (branch with leaves of the myrtle tree) and Aravah (branch and leaves of the willow tree)
If you are looking for that special esrog case, or just the esrog itself, or maybe an esrog with a lulav, you can find them all at – the world’s Judaica store.
The Torah commands us to take “Pri Eitz Hadar” and lucky for us – it turned out to be the Etrog or Esrog, a citric fruit which grows on a tree full of needle like thorns.
Yes, the esrogim are growing all year long. They endure everything and don’t really care if it’s snowing, if it’s raining, if it’s hot or cold – they are stubbornly persistent (I think it reminds me of a certain religion).
If you’ve never seen an esrog, just think about a lemon. A weird lemon. In the ritual of Sukkot, the esrog, which has a nice taste and a nice smell, represents those of us who have both the Torah and good deeds (all of us I’m sure). How to choose an Esrog? We have to be careful when choosing an esrog and follow strict guidelines.
- Your typical esrog is about 5 inches long and it has a bumpy rind to it.
- The esrog should be oblong shaped and a completely round esrog is not kosher!
- The bottom side of the esrog should also be larger than the top.
- It should have a nice yellow color to it, and no black spots or discoloration of any kind.
- In one end of the esrog you’ll find the stem that connects to the tree.
- At the other side there needs to be a Pitam.

Patish, masmer
nikach maher.
Sukah liv'not,
banim uvanot.
Later on, the kids even pick up wood to build the Sukkah. Hammer? Nail? Patish? Masmer? Are we in the desert? With the latest greatest Sukkahs, the song should go like this:
The Schach snaps,
To a beg will collapse,
I’m not a meshuga,
It’s the pop-up Sukkah
Yes, the Pop-Up Sukkah is light weight and requires no tools to assemble. It folds to 1 inch (!) carrying case and features a tear resistant floor, 2 screened windows and shades, and the Schach is included.
If you’re planning to travel during Sukkot, you might want to check out the "Sukkah on the Go" the super Portable Sukkah. This new portable Sukkah snaps together in under five minutes with absolutely no tools necessary. It will fit into any trunk and meets airline standards for check-in, if you want to have a Sukkah in the sky.
Even if you're looking for a more traditional Sukkah, you can find everything you need visiting the Succos Center at, your one-stop High-Holiday-Shop.
Because of brilliant, innovative and fun ideas like the ShasPod, we’re proud to be Jews.
This is simply a genius idea – I mean, how can a traveler easily carry and study a 2,711 page book? If that book is the Talmud, the wise traveler obtains the ShasPod, an Apple iPod packed with audio commentary on this massive compendium of Jewish oral law. Brilliant!The ShasPod is a 120GB iPod loaded with 2,711 shiurim, one for each page of the Talmud. A shiur is a brief (30-60 minute) discussion by a religious teacher. Each shiur is in English mixed with Aramaic (the language of the Talmud) and some Hebrew phrases. The compact iPod is not only more compact than the paper-based version of the Talmud, it is a lot smaller than the typical audio version, which runs to about 2,000 tape cassettes...
Click here to listen to a sample lecture: Mesechet Berachot Tape 1 - Side A (31:19)
Technical knowledge of mp3 downloading is not necessary, and in fact, a computer is not even necessary. As one person commented, it is almost like having “your rebbe in your pocket!”
The ShasPod is available to purchase at - the world's Judaica Store.
It’s the summer vacation and your kinderlach are playing Monopoly? Maybe instead of Get Out of Jail card, they should have a Get Out of Egypt card?
Let your children learn Jewish history instead of Western Capitalism with the Let My People Go board game! Of course that youngest goes first, draws a card, follows the fun rhymes and moves his playing piece around the Egyptian board.
For lunch, you can try Schmear - The Build-A-Bagel Card Game.You’ll see your children’s seykhl working as they stack up slices (cards) and try to build the biggest collection of bagel sandwiches. But be careful: Add an old tractor tire, a CD-Rom or a manhole cover to your stack and your sandwich will be scuttled!
Your kids just love CandyLand? How can you be sure if the candies in the game do not contain gelatin? That’s why you owe them KosherLand the Board Game!Travel through KosherTown - pass by Bubby, the Kiddush Ocean, and the Matzah Man - but don't listen to the Latke Men Marching Band or you might get stuck in the honey! Be the first to make it to the kosher home, and you win!
These educational Jewish boardgames are all available at the World's Judaica Store.
Now it's easier than ever to buy a new certified kosher Tzitzis online, without worrying about size or material. The new Eichler's Tzitzis Wizard is incorporates the latest technology and the best Tzitzis on the market.
Here's how it works. First you choose Adult or Child size. Let's go with Adult.Then you choose your lineage. If you are not sure, choose Ashkenazic.
Now you need to choose the fabric, let's say Cotton:
And Style...
And you are good to go. Isn't it cool? Chances are, you will not find another place where you'd be able to create your on Tzitzis like Eichler's. So go ahead, visit and have fun with our Tzitzis Wizard.
Our Israeli friends in the Middle East are always happy to get support. If it’s by tourism, media coverage, parades, contributions, or even little gestures such as having “the greatest country in the world” mug in your office.
Now, more than ever, it is important to pitch in and show our endless love and appreciation for Israel, wear an IDF shirt or proudly hang the Israeli flag on our front doors.
They might be talking about crisis in the White House but we know that Israel is the 51st State and we're going to prove it by wearing the JerUSAlem T-Shirt:Or you can go all IDF with an Israeli Defense Force IDF T-Shirt, worn by new Israeli recruits:
And how about an original army cap to finish the look?
If you're looking for something more personal, there's a great gift idea for you:It's a cute little wallet with the Israeli flag and chain.
And here's another great addition to any home or office:A ceramic mug that celebrates 60 years since the founding of the state of Israel.
Feel free to visit, browse our Support Israel section for the entire selection and take an active role in the future of Israel.
Keeping Kosher doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat lettuce… If you just avoid eating veggies and leafy green herbs we want you to have a look at the new Bug Checker.The professional mashgichim at OU use large photographic light boxes to help check for infestations and the new Bug Checker is a quick and thorough way to keep up to the highest kosher standards/ The Bug Checker provides all the benefits of a professional light box, but designed specifically for the private kosher kitchen.
It's compact in size for easy storage, uses safe low voltage LED lights and rechargeable batteries and is reasonably priced. Once the lettuce leaf is ready for checking, simply place the leaf on the Bug Checker and turn on the LED light switch. The bright LED light shines through the leaf but not through the bugs, making them easy to spot. Don't worry about the lettuce leaf being wet - the Bug Checker light has a waterproof surface and is safe to use.The Bug Checker is now featured at at an amazingly low price. Log on to and check out our wide collection of Kosher Inventions.
Dudu Fisher, one of the greatest Israeli artists, is planning a fall tour here in the East Coast. Fisher is known all over the world thanks to a magical performance as Jean Valjean in the original cast of the hit musical "Les Miserables." Actually, he was the first actor to be excused from weekend performances of the London production - as he is Orthodox.
During October 2009, Fisher will perform here in New York, Long Island, New Jersey, Boston, Baltimore, head up to Canada to do some more singing and end up in Kansas City before going back to Israel.
Here is your chance to get ready for the show. Check out Fisher's CD Shabbat Shalom - a treasury of Shabbat songs. It is a traditional collection with songs like Lecha Dodi, Shabbat Hamalka and other songs that have been a part of the jewish people for generations. This album brings you all the classic melodies coupled with a touch of the modern.
This CD and more of Fisher's music is available on line at together with all of your Judaica needs. Give us Eichlers a visit, and in the meantime, enjoy Fisher's Chazonim Oif Probe:
Yair Emanuel is a true Israeli artist. Being born on a Kibbutz and growing up in an Orthodox home in Jerusalem, Emanuel’s art is deeply influenced with a unique fusion of traditional Judaic motifs and modern Israeli and Asian art which he also acquired during his studies at the prestigious Bezalel Academy of Art and Design.
Emanuel hand crafts his Judaic art in a Jerusalem studio and uses special techniques such as silk painting, hand embroidery and wood painting.
Check out this lovely Oriental Shabbat set: The Shabbat set consists of two Shabbat candlesticks and a Kiddush cup. When the candlesticks are overturned they become a Havdala set. The vivid and harmonious colors characterize Emanuel's hand-painted ritual articles. Each wooden article is hand-painted with brush using acrylic colors and than lacquered.
This is another lovely piece, a "Jerusalem" Challah Board and matching knife:Both the Shabbat set and the Challah set can be used for eating and drinking, and can be washed in water since it is coated with several layers of lacquer.
At you can find many of Emanuel art, including a Raw Silk applique'd Tallit setand and adorable Mayim Achronim cups. For all your Judaica needs drop in to and don't miss out on the great deals going on every day!